The World Congress of Chiropractic Students, McTimoney Chapter (WCCS)
The McTimoney Trust has been able to support the McTimoney College of Chiropractic student representatives of WCCS by donating funds to enable them to attend the 2012 event in France, 2013 event in South Africa and the 2014 Congress in Malaga, Spain and continues to fund other areas of their activity. The students are excellent ambassadors spreading the knowledge of McTimoney Chiropractic worldwide. WCCS is a forum for Chiropractic students from colleges throughout the world to come together to explore their similarities and differences. To find out more about WCCS: https://www.wccsworldwide.org/news McTimoney students now have their own WCCS websites and http://mccwccs.weebly.com/ on which you can find information on news and events.
European Regional Event, Odense, Denmark 2014
Enjoy the report by a WCCS McTimoney Chapter delegate of another successful Conference
European Chiropractic Union, Annual Convention 2014, Dublin, Ireland
In May, Christo Wood, a student at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic, was invited by the Vice President of the ECU to attend and observe the their Annual General Meeting on behalf of WCCS. His report outlines the shared goals and development of unity to further the Chiropractic profession in Europe.
Previous WCCS Annual Conferences:
2015 - Life University, Marietta, USA
2016 - I'Institut Franco-Europeen de Chiropraxie, Paris, France
2017 - Life Chiropractic College West, San Francisco, USA
2018 - University of Johannesburg, South Africa